Natural Herbal Remedies

Tasty Tea To Boost Body Immunity System

Our body's immunity system is under constant attack everyday from toxins found in the food we eat, the air we breathe and in the water we drink. To make things worse, modern life is so stressful that all these elements add up and take its toll on the body's immunity system eventually.

To help your body fight the onslaught of stress, brew this tasty tea that is a combination of organic wild herbs and treat yourself to the calming and immunity boosting effects of this delicious tea.

    1 part red clover blossoms 1 part nettle leaves 1 part pau d'Arco 1 part alfalfa & sage leaves 1 part St.Johns wort tops 1 part ginger root

You can use your tea bag or tea strainer to brew this tea directly into your tea cup or mug. Put all the herbs into the tea bag or strainer and steep in boiling water for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, all the goodness of the organic wild herbs would passed into the water. Remove the tea bag or strainer and add honey or your preferred choice of sweetener to taste.

Tea is also often touted as promoting quickest way to lose weight.